Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who wants to be the baby?

Haylee does! She has started getting in what used to be her exersaucer lately. ALL BY HERSELF! Another one of those expert climbing things and I am not sure really how she gets in there. She hasn't yet figured out how to get out and I don't think there is a way but she always surprises me. She has been climbing up into what used to be her swing for several months now and she loves to sit in what used to be her bouncy seat. Poor Haylee! It was just a short time ago that I moved her from place to place in all of these entertainers and I think she still remembers them. She has had to grow up so fast. :-( Speaking of that, we found out she can count to 3! I figure it's because of me counting to 3 to Tyler all the time when he is about to get in trouble. :-)


mommyof7 (2inheaven) said...

That's so cute. Princess and Prince "A" used to do that too. They were my young ones when the others born....

Unknown said...

That's cute. She'll figure out a way to get out of the exersaucer. And I LOVE the new background and header. So precious!

amy said...

Too cute! She reminds me of Lilly after we had Kyle. It's amazing how those baby toys they gave up suddenly are entertaining to them. I have pictures of Kyle in the excersaucer and Lilly in the jumperoo.

Laura said...

Cutie-patootie. She looks so proud of herself. And I love her little hair. Looks like side bangs! ;)

Laura said...

Question, girl... Where did you get your new background? Cutestblogontheblock? I just didn't see the little tag in the top left and I wondered if you found another source! plus, their site is down. we keep each other updated on the blog finds!