Monday, January 26, 2009
Round Two..
Hey sweet friends! Just a quick request for prayer for little Katelynn. As many of you know she had RSV in early Dec and has really never recovered 100%. She has continued to have a lingering cough that I have checked with her doctors about. They told me to watch it and if it was still going on mid to end of Jan then they would start ruling out other things. She suddenly got pretty sick on Saturday and was worse Sunday so we took her to Care Now to have her evaluated. We found out she has Pneumonia and that is in both sides of her lungs. I took her to her Pedi this morning and they did further test and found out she also has RSV again (another strand of it.) She is now on 2 antibiotics and breathing treatments. Please pray for her little lungs to heal. She is having these episodes where she is struggling to breathe and we had a scare today where we rushed her back up to her Pedi (thankfully they are in downtown Wylie just down a block or so!) Help me to know when it is urgent and when I can just trust in God that he will get her through these spasms and difficulty breathing. It is so scary when they are gasping for air and to know when to get her help. She has been sick for so long and I'm just ready for her to feel better. Thank you for your prayers!!! Here's a picture of her getting a breathing treatment. :-( Excuse the way I look....very little sleep for me plus I had a root canal, a crown and a filling done this morning. Yay!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm 5 months old....
Katelynn will be 5 months old in 2 days. I can't believe how fast it is going. Not only is it going by fast but she is growing like a weed...Seriously!

Love this picture...she is shy/bashful because she is always trying "not to" smile or to barely smile and she try's to hide her smile by burying her face sometimes. My mom said I kinda did the same thing when I was little. Here are her new stats (supposed to be 4 months but we are about a month behind)
Weight: 16.7 lbs <95%
Height: 26 3/4 in <95%
Head: 17 in 90%-95%
When the doctor was showing me her big jump on her percentile chart, it looked like she was off the charts (above 100%) but they just kept saying she was "greater" than 95%. Oh well, I guess it's all the same....She's just a BIG girl and is trying to catch up to her little petite sister.

She is already wearing the same size diapers as Haylee (sz 3) and will probably be wearing the same size clothes in no time!

Haylee's 15 month check up (even though she is 16 months) will be next week so I am anxious to see how much she weighs and what the girls difference's are.

Katelynn got 3 shots and had a very rough night. Kinda weird b/c my kids usually sleep allot after their shots. Nope, she had me awake EVERY HOUR on Wed night. I was exhausted yesterday!

Here is a picture of her trying her cereal for the first time. We have tried this about 3 times and she doesn't have the tongue rolling back yet. She hasn't got much down yet. Man, it is though having to feed 2 babies especially when they eat completely different things. I am still trying to figure out if I should just put Haylee in a booster chair to the table or if I should add another high chair to my extremely crowded kitchen. I hate to think of the mess Haylee will make w/out the highchair! Any ideas?
Love this picture...she is shy/bashful because she is always trying "not to" smile or to barely smile and she try's to hide her smile by burying her face sometimes. My mom said I kinda did the same thing when I was little. Here are her new stats (supposed to be 4 months but we are about a month behind)
Weight: 16.7 lbs <95%
Height: 26 3/4 in <95%
Head: 17 in 90%-95%
When the doctor was showing me her big jump on her percentile chart, it looked like she was off the charts (above 100%) but they just kept saying she was "greater" than 95%. Oh well, I guess it's all the same....She's just a BIG girl and is trying to catch up to her little petite sister.
She is already wearing the same size diapers as Haylee (sz 3) and will probably be wearing the same size clothes in no time!
Haylee's 15 month check up (even though she is 16 months) will be next week so I am anxious to see how much she weighs and what the girls difference's are.
Katelynn got 3 shots and had a very rough night. Kinda weird b/c my kids usually sleep allot after their shots. Nope, she had me awake EVERY HOUR on Wed night. I was exhausted yesterday!
Here is a picture of her trying her cereal for the first time. We have tried this about 3 times and she doesn't have the tongue rolling back yet. She hasn't got much down yet. Man, it is though having to feed 2 babies especially when they eat completely different things. I am still trying to figure out if I should just put Haylee in a booster chair to the table or if I should add another high chair to my extremely crowded kitchen. I hate to think of the mess Haylee will make w/out the highchair! Any ideas?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Who wants to be the baby?
Haylee does! She has started getting in what used to be her exersaucer lately. ALL BY HERSELF! Another one of those expert climbing things and I am not sure really how she gets in there. She hasn't yet figured out how to get out and I don't think there is a way but she always surprises me. She has been climbing up into what used to be her swing for several months now and she loves to sit in what used to be her bouncy seat. Poor Haylee! It was just a short time ago that I moved her from place to place in all of these entertainers and I think she still remembers them. She has had to grow up so fast. :-( Speaking of that, we found out she can count to 3! I figure it's because of me counting to 3 to Tyler all the time when he is about to get in trouble. :-)

Thursday, January 08, 2009
The Girl's Room.....
So here is the VERY full girl's room for those that want to see. This is a view from their door as you walk in. Check out the dated ceiling fan that needs to be replaced. We do have a new (but cheap) white ceiling fan that we bought before Haylee was born. Yep, it's still out in it's box in the garage waiting for my hubby to install it. :-)

Haylee's little reading corner. She LOVES books! The shelf is supposed to be a corner shelf but there are no corners in this room available! Oh well. We got it from Pottery Barn when Tyler was a baby. Notice Haylee's 1st Cabbage Patch Doll Aunt Brookie got her for Christmas. LOVE the smell of those doll's!

This is KATELYNN'S bed. I know it has Haylee's name above it but we needed to put Haylee's name here because Katelynn's name wouldn't fit. Ryan thought we could just move Haylee's bed over here and put Katelynn's bed in it's place. I thought no, it's gonna be enough change to put another bed in here and a baby sister, I don't want to change where Haylee has been sleeping. Less DRAMA! I got her just a bumper pad to go in her bed b/c I couldn't afford a whole bedding set. I got it on Ebay for like $14!!! I couldn't buy one for that price at any store and look how cute it is and it matches perfectly.

So here is HAYLEE'S bed with Katelynn's name above it. This bed is centimental to us especially to Ryan. He is really bummed that Katelynn won't get to use it. This was his sister's baby bed then his when he was a baby. His mom kept it all this time. It is a old Jenny Lind Crib. Funny how the white one we got from our friend Scarlett is identical to it except the color.

This is my mess corner and the dresser we got from Craigslist for very cheap. I just lay everything up here until I get a chance to hang things up. I hope I'm not the only one who does this. It has a mirror but the mirror broke when Ryan was trying to fix the backing on it with a staple gun. :-/So I'm sure we won't have a mirror for a while.

Also a messy corner, the changing table and dirty clothes hamper. This will be one of the first things I take out of here to make more room. I have thought several times, do I have to have this? It is so nice to have everything right there plus what do I do with everything in the baskets below?

Haylee's little piano she got for Christmas (thanks Grandma/Santa.) She loves this thing. I will be in the living room feeding Katelynn and I will here her go to her room by herself and just start playing away on it. Too funny!

This is something I found at Mardel's before I had Haylee. I had to get matched her room PERFECT! I love the words too.

And here is where Katelynn sleeps for now. She has been sleeping on the couch pretty much since we brought her home from the hospital. We had a bassinet for her but Haylee wouldn't leave her alone and would climb up it and shake it. For some reason she would leave her alone when she was on the couch. I guess b/c she could see her and wasn't curious. Since the rolling had begun, we had to get something. I would love to have them in the room together but Katelynn still goes to sleep later (about 9-10) and wakes up earlier (about 6) and I don't want to mess up Haylee's schedule. Haylee is the lightest sleeper EVER! I thought once I get Katelynn on the same schedule then I will ease her in there!

This "travel lite crib" is perfect. Bigger than a bassinet but not as big as a play pen. The bassinet part can be lowered when she starts to raise up if she is still in it then. We got a GREAT deal on it on Craigslist also. She has slept in it wonderfully and it is good to have my couch back. Thanks for taking the tour!
Haylee's little reading corner. She LOVES books! The shelf is supposed to be a corner shelf but there are no corners in this room available! Oh well. We got it from Pottery Barn when Tyler was a baby. Notice Haylee's 1st Cabbage Patch Doll Aunt Brookie got her for Christmas. LOVE the smell of those doll's!
This is KATELYNN'S bed. I know it has Haylee's name above it but we needed to put Haylee's name here because Katelynn's name wouldn't fit. Ryan thought we could just move Haylee's bed over here and put Katelynn's bed in it's place. I thought no, it's gonna be enough change to put another bed in here and a baby sister, I don't want to change where Haylee has been sleeping. Less DRAMA! I got her just a bumper pad to go in her bed b/c I couldn't afford a whole bedding set. I got it on Ebay for like $14!!! I couldn't buy one for that price at any store and look how cute it is and it matches perfectly.
So here is HAYLEE'S bed with Katelynn's name above it. This bed is centimental to us especially to Ryan. He is really bummed that Katelynn won't get to use it. This was his sister's baby bed then his when he was a baby. His mom kept it all this time. It is a old Jenny Lind Crib. Funny how the white one we got from our friend Scarlett is identical to it except the color.
This is my mess corner and the dresser we got from Craigslist for very cheap. I just lay everything up here until I get a chance to hang things up. I hope I'm not the only one who does this. It has a mirror but the mirror broke when Ryan was trying to fix the backing on it with a staple gun. :-/So I'm sure we won't have a mirror for a while.
Also a messy corner, the changing table and dirty clothes hamper. This will be one of the first things I take out of here to make more room. I have thought several times, do I have to have this? It is so nice to have everything right there plus what do I do with everything in the baskets below?
Haylee's little piano she got for Christmas (thanks Grandma/Santa.) She loves this thing. I will be in the living room feeding Katelynn and I will here her go to her room by herself and just start playing away on it. Too funny!
This is something I found at Mardel's before I had Haylee. I had to get matched her room PERFECT! I love the words too.
And here is where Katelynn sleeps for now. She has been sleeping on the couch pretty much since we brought her home from the hospital. We had a bassinet for her but Haylee wouldn't leave her alone and would climb up it and shake it. For some reason she would leave her alone when she was on the couch. I guess b/c she could see her and wasn't curious. Since the rolling had begun, we had to get something. I would love to have them in the room together but Katelynn still goes to sleep later (about 9-10) and wakes up earlier (about 6) and I don't want to mess up Haylee's schedule. Haylee is the lightest sleeper EVER! I thought once I get Katelynn on the same schedule then I will ease her in there!
This "travel lite crib" is perfect. Bigger than a bassinet but not as big as a play pen. The bassinet part can be lowered when she starts to raise up if she is still in it then. We got a GREAT deal on it on Craigslist also. She has slept in it wonderfully and it is good to have my couch back. Thanks for taking the tour!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
It's been busy around here...
I feel like I haven't posted hardly anything lately. To be honest, I have been so bad about taking any pictures. It seems like there is always a kid in my arms or I am feeding someone or making food for someone or changing a diaper. I have thought I ought to count how many diapers I change a day. I know it's allot b/c my hands are suffering from washing them so much. My hands have turned into "mommy hands" (no offense Mom!)
So here are a couple of recent pictures of the kids. Here is Haylee and Katelynn who are now wearing the same size diapers. We haven't taken Katelynn for her 4 mo checkup yet to see how big she is but she is 4 mo and is wearing 6 and 9 month clothes so she seems to be pretty big. Haylee is so small and petite I think Katelynn is going to catch up. You can also see Ryan's shoe that Haylee was playing with how big it is compared to them. That boy has some BIG feet. Just look below...

Tyler getting in on the picture...

Katelynn laughing. She is doing so much lately. I haven't actually seen her roll over but I know she has because I found her on the couch, she had rolled over from her tummy to her back and had scooted from laying against the back of the couch to laying long ways with her head hanging of the end of the couch upside down just watching TV. YIKES! Scared me to death. I had just left her there for a second but I guess that's all it took. So needless to say, no more sleeping on the couch for Katelynn. We put up the baby bed we got from a friend in our ABF ( thanks Scarlett) in Haylee's room and got it all set up and tried putting Katelynn in it. It has not gone so well yet. Haylee hates it and just cries and wants to get sister when she is in it. When they are both in their bed's they both cry and Haylee won't even lay down. All she wants to do is look at that other bed in her room and cry. I'm sure she just wants to get in it. Anyways, we ended up buying a miniature pack and play from craigslist to keep in the living room for now. It has worked perfect and I wish I would have had this all along. I will post pictures of it and the girls room soon.

Haylee has been a busy bee. She has been very clingy since she had the RSV and wants to be held allot. She has been saying tons of more words lately. She can say bath, bird, book, bubba, light, pa pa (for grandpa), Santa, Pretty, juice, Mmm-Mee (for food) Tee Tee and when she goes poo poo she says "Eeeww Weee" (for Shuuu Weee). She actually grabs her diaper any time she pees or poops so I have had several people telling me she might be ready to start potty training. My mom had me and my sister trained at 18 months. I just cant imagine her peeing in the potty. She is still so small but, it sure would be nice to not have to buy diapers for 2 babies. I put her on the potty before her bath everytime but she hasn't done anything yet. We'll see, not sure if I am ready to tackle that yet. Here is a picture of her eating some "yummy's" as she calls it.

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So here are a couple of recent pictures of the kids. Here is Haylee and Katelynn who are now wearing the same size diapers. We haven't taken Katelynn for her 4 mo checkup yet to see how big she is but she is 4 mo and is wearing 6 and 9 month clothes so she seems to be pretty big. Haylee is so small and petite I think Katelynn is going to catch up. You can also see Ryan's shoe that Haylee was playing with how big it is compared to them. That boy has some BIG feet. Just look below...
Tyler getting in on the picture...
Katelynn laughing. She is doing so much lately. I haven't actually seen her roll over but I know she has because I found her on the couch, she had rolled over from her tummy to her back and had scooted from laying against the back of the couch to laying long ways with her head hanging of the end of the couch upside down just watching TV. YIKES! Scared me to death. I had just left her there for a second but I guess that's all it took. So needless to say, no more sleeping on the couch for Katelynn. We put up the baby bed we got from a friend in our ABF ( thanks Scarlett) in Haylee's room and got it all set up and tried putting Katelynn in it. It has not gone so well yet. Haylee hates it and just cries and wants to get sister when she is in it. When they are both in their bed's they both cry and Haylee won't even lay down. All she wants to do is look at that other bed in her room and cry. I'm sure she just wants to get in it. Anyways, we ended up buying a miniature pack and play from craigslist to keep in the living room for now. It has worked perfect and I wish I would have had this all along. I will post pictures of it and the girls room soon.
Haylee has been a busy bee. She has been very clingy since she had the RSV and wants to be held allot. She has been saying tons of more words lately. She can say bath, bird, book, bubba, light, pa pa (for grandpa), Santa, Pretty, juice, Mmm-Mee (for food) Tee Tee and when she goes poo poo she says "Eeeww Weee" (for Shuuu Weee). She actually grabs her diaper any time she pees or poops so I have had several people telling me she might be ready to start potty training. My mom had me and my sister trained at 18 months. I just cant imagine her peeing in the potty. She is still so small but, it sure would be nice to not have to buy diapers for 2 babies. I put her on the potty before her bath everytime but she hasn't done anything yet. We'll see, not sure if I am ready to tackle that yet. Here is a picture of her eating some "yummy's" as she calls it.
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